Artist Opening Reception Held at BCC Today

Donna Motta September 22, 2015 Comments Off on Artist Opening Reception Held at BCC Today

A local artist talked about his work at the Grimshaw-Gudewicz Art Gallery at Bristol Community College today.

Frank Poor spoke to art students about his work. He explained that he photographs random buildings in his home state of South Carolina, prints them out, then goes back home to his studio in Rhode Island and attaches parts of the photographic paper to stick-figure architectural buildings he constructs out of thin wood.

The example Mr. Poor had on exhibit was his structural outline of a church (shown in feature slider). The actual church had a steel cone as a steeple cap.

“In my artistic version,” he says, “The silver dome was constructed out of the paper of a photograph of the actual steeple.”

When asked who his artistic inspiration is, Mr. Poor answered, “My father. Although he was not an artist, he taught me how to building things with my hands.”

A student asked where his artistic inspiration comes from. His answer: “Myself. I have to fill a creative need by doing my art work. There is no other artist who really inspires me.”

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