Amazon Construction Broke Ground Today

Donna Motta October 19, 2015 Comments Off on Amazon Construction Broke Ground Today

Mayor Sam Sutter announced today that construction on the long-awaited Amazon Fulfilment Center project kicked off today, Monday, October 19th.

The final design for the project has changed from the previous proposal, and the projected amount of jobs expected at the facility has been revised from 500 to 1000.

“This is a signal day for the City of Fall River. After ten months of constant and diligent work by myself and )Economic Development Director) Ken Fiola…we are thrilled to announce that this project is beginning.”

Earlier today, the Fall River Redevelopment Authority authorized site access which gives the contractor, RC Anderson, access to the land to begin work. This was the final step that needed to be taken by the city to begin the construction process. The first stage of construction will consist of clearing the land for development.

When completed, the project will consist of an approximately 1 million-square-foot warehouse facility with 1,526 parking spaces, 80 loading docks, and 115 trailer spaces. With land-clearing beginning this week, the facility is on schedule to be opened by the Fall of 2016. Once open, the warehouse is projected to operate on two shifts: A day shift from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and an evening shift from 6:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.

“In addition to creating 1000 new jobs for the city and the region, this action represents the completion of all due diligence, permitting, and positions the project for a Fall 2016 start date,” Attorney Fiola said.

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