Amazon Briefing Set For Today

Donna Motta July 6, 2016 Comments Off on Amazon Briefing Set For Today

Fall River residents interested in getting more information about the Fullfillment Associate Positions at Amazon this fall can attend a briefing from the company’s Human Resources representatives today, Wednesday, July 6th.  Time: 3:00 and then repeated at 6:00 at Durfee High School.

At a recent news conference at Government Center, Mayor Jasiel Correia announced the Fall River Career Center is working in conjunction with the Office of Economic Development and other entities to give city residents a heads up about what positions are being offered at the 1.2 million dollar facility which is expected to open in the Industrial Park in about three months.

“All 500 Fullfillment Associate jobs need to be filled before that time,” Mayor Correia said.

While he does not know the exact pay scale, Mayor Correia says prospective employees are free to look on the Amazon website for information, or contact the career center to gain more information at (508) 730-5000.

According to OED Executive Director Ken Fiola, the construction to begin building the massive distribution center took four years in the making.

FRC Media News asked Fiola if he knew the pay scale. “I believe the initial positions are full-time and will average around $35 thousand dollars a year,” he said.

According to census reports, the median income for city residents is approximately $33 thousand per year. Asked if their would be management positions, the mayor said, “I expect such positions, including IT and Human Resources positions will be open in the near future.

As for whether city residents will get first bids on the jobs, both Correia and Fiola said, “No.

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