Alumni to be Honored at 2019 Bristol Awards

Jayne Darcy March 27, 2019 Comments Off on Alumni to be Honored at 2019 Bristol Awards

Bristol Community College will host the Bristol Awards, an event that honors outstanding alumni, on Thursday, April 4.  The 2019 awards are supported by event partners Argosy Collegiate Charter School and Hadley Insurance Group, both of Fall River.

This year’s recipient of the Alumni Paragon Award, Bristol’s most distinguished alumni award, will be Paul C. Burke, class of 1975.  Alumni Jacquelyn Haskett Anfield, Elizabeth A. Razee, Susan P. Mauretti Black, Roger A. St. Martin, Jr., and Nancy Lynn Durfee will also be honored.

The event will include a reception from 6 – 6:30 p.m. and dinner and the awards ceremony from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. in the Commonwealth College Center (G Building), on the Bristol Fall River campus, 777 Elsbree Street. The cost is $50 per person. Individuals who wish to attend should register by March 29  by calling 774-357-2007 or by visiting





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