A Suspect In A Stabbing Incident Deemed Dangerous

Donna Motta March 22, 2016 Comments Off on A Suspect In A Stabbing Incident Deemed Dangerous

The 18 year old suspect in connection with the recent stabbing of an unidentified man at the corner of Melrose and Stone Streets has been deemed dangerous by the courts. Charles Brothers, one of six people charged in connection with the incident March 14th is being held without bail for 120 days.

According to court documents, Brothers of 169 Covel Street, appeared in Fall River District Court for what is known as a dangerousness Hearing during which prosecutors presented evidence to back up their claim that Brothers should not be released on bail. Photographs of the injuries sustained by the victim, as well as surveillance photos, and Brother’s juvenile record were submitted to the judge.

Police say that Brothers admitted to stabbing the father of a boy because the victim allegedly punched Brother’s little brother. It is also being reported that defendant told authorities he has no remorse for his crime.

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